Work The Influence of Resilience And Work-Family Conflict on The Stress of Working Mothers in Long-Distance Marriages


  • Afifah Mardliyah Universitas Persada Indonesia Y.A.I, Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Frida Medina Hayuputri Universitas Persada Indonesia Y.A.I, Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Rilla Sovitriana Universitas Persada Indonesia Y.A.I, Jakarta, Indonesia



Resilience, Work-Family Conflict, Stress, Long Distance Marriage


Women are afforded the same opportunities as men in the workplace; however, they are confronted with particular challenges, one of which is the conflict between work and family demands, which is commonly referred to as work-family conflict (WFC). WFC is regarded as a significant source of stress, particularly for women in long-distance marriages. The physical absence of a spouse, coupled with the emotional challenges of a physical and emotional distance, can precipitate an increase in stress levels. It is hypothesised that resilience is a supportive factor in the management of stress. This study examines the impact of resilience and work-family conflict (WFC) on stress levels among working mothers. The research employed purposive sampling technique with a non-probability sampling approach, involving 354 respondents who were working mothers residing in the Indonesian provinces of Sumatra and Java. The measurement tools employed were Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC), Work-Family Conflict Scale (WFCS), and Perceived Stress Scale (PSS-10), with data analysis conducted using JASP for Windows. The findings of this study indicate a significant influence of resilience and WFC on stress levels among working mothers in long-distance marriages. These results provide scientific evidence that resilience plays an essential role in mitigating the effects of WFC on stress.


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How to Cite

Mardliyah, A., Hayuputri, F. M., & Sovitriana, R. (2025). Work The Influence of Resilience And Work-Family Conflict on The Stress of Working Mothers in Long-Distance Marriages . Dinasti Health and Pharmacy Science, 1(3), 80–84.