Achieving Zero Poverty Goal in Bojonegoro Through the Welfare Sheep Program: Public Value Perspective


  • Alfiatur Rohmah Bojonegoro University, Indonesia
  • Ana Kumalasari Bojonegoro University, Indonesia
  • Ida Swasanti Bojonegoro University, Indonesia
  • Ousman Corr University of The Gambia, Gambia



Zero Poverty, Welfare Sheep Program, Public Value


The main objectives of this study are to evaluate the public value of the Welfare Sheep Program in achieving zero poverty in Bojonegoro Regency. This program is one of the efforts made by the Government to improve the welfare of the poor as a form of responsibility and concern from the Government to reduce poverty rates. This study adopts a qualitative method with a case study approach. This type of research is qualitative descriptive. Data collection was carried out through observation, interview, and documentation techniques. The researcher applies Mark Moore's theory of public value, namely Legitimacy and Support, Operational Capability, and Substantial Value. The findings of the study show that the Welfare Sheep program has succeeded in increasing the income of beneficiary families in the form of increasing the number of sheep. However, the availability of quality feed is still the main obstacle to the program's sustainability because of sheep deaths. This happens because no technology can increase livestock productivity through feed. By using modern technology, the feed management process becomes faster, more effective, efficient, and can help meet the nutritional needs of sheep in real-time and allows farmers to produce more nutritious feed that is in accordance with the nutritional needs of sheep.


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Anas, F., Zulkhah, S., & Sholikin, A. (2024). Implementasi Kebijakan Penanggulangan Kemiskinan di Kabupaten Lamongan. Madani Jurnal Politik Dan Sosial Kemasyarakatan, 16(2), 249–259.

Benington, J. (2009). International Journal of Public Creating the Public In Order To Create Public Value?? International Journal of Public Administration, October 2014, 37–41.

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Cheng, X. yu, Wang, J. ying, & Chen, K. Z. (2021). Elite capture, the “follow-up checks” policy, and the targeted poverty alleviation program: Evidence from rural western China. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 20(4), 880–890.

Creswell, J. W. (2015). Penelitian Kualitatif & Desain Riset. In Mycological Research. Pustaka Pelajar.

Cutillo, A., Raitano, M., & Siciliani, I. (2020). Income ? Based and Consumption ? Based Measurement of Absolute Poverty?: Insights from Italy. Social Indicators Research, 0123456789.

Djafar, R., & Sune, U. (2019). Pengentasan Kemiskinan Berbasis Pemberdayaan Masyarakat di Kabupaten Pohuwato. Madani Jurnal Politik Dan Sosial Kemasyarakatan, 11(3), 246–270.

Edo Ramadhana, Y. (2024). Satu Semester, Serapan APBD Bojonegoro 2024 Baru 21 Persen, DPRD Desak Evaluasi Rutin Kinerja OPD. Radar Bojonegoro.

Febrianti, E., & Sutrisno. (2023). Poverty Reduction In Bojonegoro Regency Based On Regional Autonomy Implementation. Mamangan: Jurnal Ilmu Sosial, 12(1), 32–42.

Jetlikhsan, D., & Boedirochminarni, A. (2024). Sustainable Development Goals: Analysis Factors No Poverty in Java. Jurnal Ilmiah Bisnis Dan Ekonomi Asia, 18(1), 127–137.

Lavell, A., McFarlane, C., Moore, H. L., Woodcroft, S., & Yap, C. (2023). Pathways to Urban Equality through the Sustainable Development Goals: Modes of Extreme Poverty, Resilience, and Prosperity. International Journal of Urban Sustainable Development, 15(1), 215–229.

Leal Filho, W., Lovren, V. O., Will, M., Salvia, A. L., & Frankenberger, F. (2021). Poverty: A central barrier to the implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Environmental Science and Policy, 125(September), 96–104.

Maria, W. N., Kirana, N. N., Ulpa, A., & Handayani, D. N. (2023). Implementasi Program Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Untuk Menurunkan Angka Kemiskinan Di Kota Pontianak. J-3P (Jurnal Pembangunan Pemberdayaan Pemerintahan), 8(November), 210–224.

Moore, M. H. (1995). Creating Public Value: Strategic Management in Government.

Mulyadi, M. (2018). Strategi Pemerintah dalam Penanganan Kemiskinan dan Kesenjangan. Bidang Kesejahteraan Sosial Info Singkat, 10(9).

Nur Afifah, M., Hanani, R., & Sunu Astuti, R. (2024). Public Value Dalam Penggunaan E-Retribusi di Pasar Tradisional Bangetayu Kota Semarang. In Journal of Public Policy and Management Review (Vol. 13, Issue 3). Universitas Diponegoro.

Pemkab Bojonegoro. (2023). Pemkab Bojonegoro Terus Berupaya Secara Intensif Menurunkan Kemiskinan Ekstrem. Bojonegorokab.Go.Id.

Purwanto, E. (2024). Mapping the Landscape of ‘ No Poverty ’ Research?: A Bibliometric Study of Trends and Emerging Themes. 4(2), 277–294.

Rizky Kurniyanto, I., Arifiyanti, N., & Prastika Destirani, R. (2023). Strategi pengentasan kemiskinan berbasis kearifan lokal pada masyarakat desa keleyan. Agriscience, 3(3), 699–709.

Rogahang, A. L., Tulusan, F. M. G., & Palar, N. R. A. (2023). Implementasi Kebijakan Pengentasan Kemiskinan di Desa Molompar Kecamatan Tombatu Timur Kabupaten Minahasa Tenggara. Jurnal Administrasi Publik, 9(4), 403–419.

Ruhana, F., Nasution, M. S., Susniwan, Ardieansyah, & Sutiapermana, A. (2024). Combating Poverty and Social Inequality in 2023 a Global Imperative for Equitable Development and Social Justice. International Journal of Science and Society, 6(1), 899–912.

Sabri, Kuliman, Febrianti, E., & Asnah. (2024). Implikasi Globalisasi Dan Kemiskinan di Indonesia. Journal of Internasional Multidisciplinary Research, 2(1), 145–154.

Sari, N. D., Rahayu, N. D., Saniatu Salimah, B., Muhammad Hima Firmansah, N., & Khoiriawati, N. (2024). Strategi Kebijakan Publik Melalui Program Pengentasan Kemiskinan di Era Pemerintahan Jokowi. Jurnal Ekonomi, Bisnis Dan Manajemen, 2(3), 14–25.

Sunday Oni, A. (2021). Achieving Humanism and Zero Poverty In Sustainable Development Goals: A Philosophical Reflection. International Journal of Integrative Humanism, 13(2), 6.

Syofya, H. (2018). Pengaruh Tingkat Kemiskinan Dan Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Terhadap Indeks Pembangunan Manusia Indonesia. Jurnal Ilmiah Ekonomi Dan Bisnis, 15(2), 177–185.

Taqiyah, B., Rupiarsieh, & Kumalasari, A. (2024). Collaborative Governance Dalam Pengentasan Kemiskinan Ekstrem di Kabupaten Bojonegoro. JIAN-Jurnal Ilmiah Administrasi Negara, 8(1), 133–145.

Wibowo, A. (2023). Global Economic Challenges for Indonesia?: Equitable Development for Sustainable Prosperity. Stabek 7: Seminar Teknologi, Akuntansi, Bisnis, Ekonomi, Dan Komunitas, 3, 23–40.

Yopiannor, F. Z., & Milka. (2022). Public Value of “Anak Itah” Program Innovation in Palangka Raya City. Publisia: Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi Publik, 7(2), 99–114.

Yu, Y., & Huang, J. (2021). Poverty Reduction of Sustainable Development Goals in the 21st Century: A Bibliometric Analysis. Frontiers in Communication, 6(October), 1–15.




How to Cite

Alfiatur Rohmah, Ana Kumalasari, Ida Swasanti, & Ousman Corr. (2025). Achieving Zero Poverty Goal in Bojonegoro Through the Welfare Sheep Program: Public Value Perspective. Journal of Law, Politic and Humanities, 5(3), 1816–1829.

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