Marital Adjustments for Female Prisoners Undergoing Long Distance Marriages at Lapas Kelas II B Muara Teweh
Marital Adjustment, Long Distance Marriage, Female PrisonersAbstract
There are many factors that cause long distance marriages, one of which is rarely highlighted is because one of the partners is involved in a crime and is serving a sentence in prison. Maintaining a household and carrying out duties and responsibilities, especially as a wife for a female prisoner, is a big effort. Female prisoners and their partners must be able to adapt to conditions of long distance marriage and limited communication. The ability to maintain a household was analyzed using Hurlock's marital adjustment theory. This research aims to find out and analyze the marital adjustment of female prisoners undergoing long distance marriages at Muara Teweh Prison as well as the factors that play a role in marital adjustment based on the marital adjustment theory proposed by Hurlock. The research was conducted using qualitative methods with a case study research design. Data collection was carried out by interviews, observation and literature study on 3 informants. Based on the analysis, it was discovered that 2 informants met the aspects of good marital adjustment and had a harmonious household relationship, and 1 other informant was classified as having a bad marital adjustment and had a disharmonious household relationship.
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