Factors Affecting Employee Retention through Perceived Organizational Support (Survey of Auditor Employees at the BPKP Office)


  • Sumardi Sumardi Student of Doctoral Program in Management Science, University Negeri Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Hapzi Ali Senior Lecturer of Doctoral Program in Management Science, University Negeri Jakarta, and University Bhayangkara Jakarta Raya
  • Agung Dharmawan Buchdadi Senior Lecturer of Doctoral Program in Management Science, University Negeri Jakarta, Indonesia




Career Development Practices, Employee Retention, Organizational Justice, Perceived Organizational Support, Trust in Organization


Factors that influence employee retention through perceived organizational support is an article to prove whether perceived organizational support is proven to mediate Career Development Practices, Employee Retention, Organizational Justice on employee retention. This research approach uses the SEM-PLS data analysis method. The findings of this study are: 1) Career Development has a positive effect on Employee Retention through Perceived Organizational Support; 2) Organizational Justice has a positive effect on Employee Retention through Perceived Organizational Support; 3) Trust in Organization has a positive effect on Employee Retention through Perceived Organizational Support.


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How to Cite

Sumardi, S., Hapzi Ali, & Agung Dharmawan Buchdadi. (2021). Factors Affecting Employee Retention through Perceived Organizational Support (Survey of Auditor Employees at the BPKP Office). Journal of Accounting and Finance Management, 2(2), 76–89. https://doi.org/10.38035/jafm.v2i2.59

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