Legal Protection for Notaries in Making a Certificate of Inheritance for the Disbursement of Savings Funds Made Based on False Documents by the Parties


  • Aditya Salsabila Consoleo Universitas Tarumanagara, Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Benny Djaja Universitas Tarumanagara, Jakarta, Indonesia



Notary, Certificate of Inheritance, Death Certificate.


The duty of the Notary is to make an authentic deed and the Notary plays an important role in the banking industry, For example, the interests of the customer's heirs with the bank are the preparation of the Certificate of Inheritance which is required for the disbursement of savings funds based on the Fake Death Certificate. This writing aims to find out the legal protection for Notaries in making inheritance certificates for the disbursement of savings funds made based on false documents by the parties. The author uses the Normative Juridical Method with normative legal research that uses a legislative approach or a case approach. The result of this review is that the Notary in making an inheritance certificate that will issue funds based on a fake death certificate by the expert of the party as a disbursement of savings. The notary must check the verification of the authenticity of the heirs, check the death certificate concerned, check the identity card, family card, anyone who has the right to sign the inheritance certificate to confirm with the explanation of the witness. The most effective thing to overcome the obstacles that occur is that the Notary must be careful, so that the deed he makes does not contain elements of carelessness, both intentional  and unintentional, so that the authentic deed is invalid because there are records or are not in accordance with the actual circumstances, then the Notary must be responsible for his actions on the letter.



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How to Cite

Aditya Salsabila Consoleo, & Benny Djaja. (2024). Legal Protection for Notaries in Making a Certificate of Inheritance for the Disbursement of Savings Funds Made Based on False Documents by the Parties . Journal of Law, Politic and Humanities, 5(1), 38–44.

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